Make Your Mudjacking Repair Last with Joint & Crack Sealing 

The mudjacking repair process can restore the stability of your sunken, settled or cracked concrete. Also known as concrete lifting, mudjacking can raise the damaged slab back to its original, level position.

broken sidewalk concrete repair

The cement-based slurry mixture used to lift the concrete is incredibly strong, so repairs can last for at least 8 to 10 years. But, for the best chance at a long-lasting mudjacking repair, you’ll want to look into joint & crack sealing.

What is Joint & Crack Sealing?

Concrete lifting works to make a damaged slab even and stable, restoring its functionality.

However, once the mudjacking repair is finished, you’ll still have surface cracks – these won’t miraculously disappear when the slab is raised. Joint sealing can erase the cracks and give your concrete a smooth, damage-free appearance.

Why is Joint Sealing Necessary After Mudjacking Repair?

Every crack in a concrete slab is an opportunity for water to get into the soil underneath. Water infiltration can lead to soil erosion – and, over time, the issue could cause the slab to sink and settle again.

Joint and crack sealing prevents water from invading the slab and the underlying soil. The joints, cracks and gaps need to be closed with a weather-tight seal to ensure long-lasting results from mudjacking.

In addition, joint sealant may need to be reapplied at some point down the line. The extreme heat and frigid winter temperatures here in northern Utah could create new concrete cracks or damage the sealant. In either case, another joint sealing treatment is a must to extend the lifespan of your concrete lifting repair.

Can You Get Joint & Crack Sealing as Part of Your Mudjacking Repair?

Gather the proper materials – including a caulking gun, heavy-duty waterproof caulk, a garden hose, wire bush and rubber gloves – you could handle the joint sealing task yourself after the mudjacking professionals leave. Walk-through directions are available online, and you can follow the steps to clear and fill the cracks.

However, any cracks that aren’t sealed correctly won’t prevent water infiltration for long. For that reason, you might want to have the job completed by a professional.

Many mudjacking contractors – including the Lift Right Concrete team – offer professional joint and crack sealing services. You can easily get joint sealant applied as part of your concrete lifting repair. No need to find a local handyman for the work, and no worries about whether or not the joints, cracks and gaps are properly sealed.

Lift Right Concrete offers complimentary, hassle-free concrete lifting consultations and estimates to homeowners and businesses throughout northern Utah. To learn more about our mudjacking repair and joint and crack sealing services, contact our Grantsville or West Jordan office today.

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