Got Settled Concrete? Ignoring the Issue Could Be Costly

Many northern Utah homeowners think settled concrete isn’t a big deal – and no wonder, seeing how so many properties throughout the region have the problem. But actually, ignoring a sunken slab is a bad idea.

How so? If you don’t repair settled concrete, you may face several serious issues. Here, the professional team at Lift Right Concrete explains what could happen.

The risks of broken sidewalks

Trip and Fall Injuries

By ignoring your sunken concrete, you put your family, your friends and everyone else who visits your northern Utah property at risk. At any point, someone could trip and fall, and their injuries could be severe.

Personal Injury Lawsuits

While your friends and family may be forgiving if they trip and fall, others may not be as willing to overlook their injuries. That means if someone has an accident as a result of your settled slab, you could end up in court – and you may be compelled to pay for the injured person’s medical care, lost wages, lost future income and pain and suffering.

Structural Damage

Concrete settlement creates cracks in the slab, which allows water to infiltrate the underlying soil. This leads to stability issues that may extend beyond the immediate area – left unrepaired, the moisture infiltration can go on to cause foundation damage, affecting the integrity of your home and other nearby structures.

Declining Home Value

Because of the above-mentioned risks posed by a settled slab – and, of course, its unsightly look – you can expect your home value to go down if you don’t get concrete repair. You may not be concerned about curb appeal, but do you really want to lose equity in your house?

How Do You Repair Settled Concrete?

You have a few choices, but slabjacking is your best bet – it’s not only fast, minimally-invasive and highly effective, but also incredibly affordable. In fact, slabjacking is the least expensive way to repair settled concrete.

However, if you put off repair for too long, slabjacking may not be possible. Concrete settlement gets progressively worse as time goes on, and if your sunken slab becomes severely damaged, it will likely need to be replaced. And slab replacement, by the way, is the most costly repair for settled concrete.

Lift Right Concrete offers free, no-obligation slabjacking consultations to homeowners in the greater Salt Lake City area and along the Wasatch Front. Our team has extensive experience in slabjacking, and we strive to provide outstanding customer service and the highest quality workmanship for an affordable price.

Contact Lift Right Concrete in Grantsville or West Jordan to discuss slabjacking repair for the settled concrete on your northern Utah property today.

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