How Does Concrete Jacking Work?

Concrete jacking is a simple, cost-effective way to raise and stabilize a cracked, sunken or settled slab. Also referred to as mudjacking, this repair technique has a proven history of success. In fact, homeowners have been turning to concrete jacking as an alternative to slab replacement since the 1930’s!

Lifting Settled Concrete

Despite the impressive track record, many Utah homeowners are completely unfamiliar with mudjacking. If you have a damaged slab, it may be well worth your time to learn more about concrete jacking to see if it might be the right repair solution for you.

The Concrete Jacking Process

Mudjacking is a three-step concrete repair process. Raising and stabilizing a damaged slab involves:

Drilling a few strategically-placed holes in the slab. Each hole is about two inches and diameter, and the number drilled depends upon the size of the mudjacking project.
Pumping the mudjacking slurry through the drilled holes. The mixture is made of Portland cement, water and other materials like sand and limestone aggregate.
Filling the mudjacking holes with new concrete. Once any leftover slurry is cleaned away, the holes are sealed to prevent further slab damage.

Once mudjacking repair is finished, the slab cracks must be caulked to prevent future water penetration. Some homeowners opt to handle this task on their own but, if you prefer, your local concrete repair contractor can complete the caulking for you.

Problems That Can Be Fixed with Concrete Jacking

Mudjacking can effectively raise and stabilize most damaged slabs. In fact, many concrete industry experts consider it to be the preferred concrete repair technique. Mudjacking is typically recommended for Northern Utah homes that have:

  • Cracked patios
  • Split sidewalks
  • Sunken steps
  • Uneven driveways
  • Sagging pool decks
  • Fractured porches
  • Damaged garage floors

Can Concrete Jacking Work for You?

As effective as mudjacking is, this concrete repair technique isn’t appropriate for every damaged slab. If yours is too crumbled, cracked or crushed, you may need to have the slab replaced instead. And, mudjacking usually cannot repair foundation damage or major structural problems. For those issues, you’ll need to consider foundation piering.

As for the cost of mudjacking, we have the answer you want to see. Mudjacking is the least expensive professional concrete repair method, regularly coming in at less than half the cost of slab replacement.

If your slab isn’t too badly damaged and doesn’t threaten the integrity of your home foundation, mudjacking will probably work for you. To find out for sure, schedule a consultation with an experienced local repair contractor. In Northern Utah, Lift Right Concrete is the go-to professional for expert mudjacking service.

Lift Right Concrete has a well-earned reputation for providing quality mudjacking and exceptional customer service at an affordable price. If you have a damaged slab and live in the greater Salt Lake City area, contact our West Jordan or Grantsville office today to schedule a consultation to discuss concrete jacking.

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