How Mudjacking Compares to Polyurethane Foam Concrete Lifting

Mudjacking, a method of repairing settled concrete, has been in use since the 1930’s. Also known as concrete lifting, mudjacking is a simple and affordable option for both residential and commercial projects.

However, a newer repair method, polyurethane foam concrete lifting or foamjacking, is being heralded as superior to mudjacking. Is this really the case?

According to the experienced professional contractors here at Lift Right Concrete, the answer is no. And after reading the following guide comparing mudjacking to polyurethane foam concrete lifting, we’re sure you’ll agree.

Best way to repair settled concrete


Mudjacking is highly effective, and repair provides long-lasting results. Concrete lifting with polyurethane foam works, too, but our professional contractors have a couple of concerns about the method.

First off, mudjacking uses a mixture of natural materials to lift settled slabs. Typically, the mud-like slurry contains Portland cement (which is a mix of clay and limestone) along with shale, slate and other organic materials. With foamjacking, a mixture of chemicals is used – and the foam is flammable.

Our second concern about foamjacking? Polyurethane foam sets much faster than the cement slurry used in mudjacking, and the mixture may harden before the soil voids are properly filled. If that happens, the slab won’t have a stable, supportive foundation.


Both mudjacking and foamjacking offer attractive results, restoring a settled slab back to its original level position.

For the latter repair option, smaller holes are drilled into the settled slab. The holes professional contractors drill for mudjacking are about an inch larger in diameter. So, yes, foamjacking is a bit less invasive.

But after caulking, you really can’t see the difference. Compare drilled and caulked holes from the two methods side by side, and both are practically invisible. In terms of appearance, mudjacking and foamjacking are pretty equal.


Polyurethane foam is an expensive material, much pricier than cement-based slurry used for mudjacking. Because of this, foamjacking is far from budget-friendly – in fact, the concrete repair method can cost four to five times as much as mudjacking.

Why pay more for polyurethane foam concrete lifting, when mudjacking is safer, more affordable way to lift and restore a settled slab? Our professional concrete repair contractors can’t think of a good reason.

Schedule a Free Concrete Lifting Consultation

Do you have settled concrete on your northern Utah property? Mudjacking may be your best repair option – but to find out for sure, schedule a consultation with the professional team at Lift Right Concrete.

A leading Salt Lake City area concrete repair company for over a decade, Lift Right Concrete has extensive knowledge of both mudjacking and foamjacking. Our expert contractors can evaluate your settled slab and explain your options.

To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss polyurethane foam concrete lifting and mudjacking with the Lift Right Concrete team, contact our West Jordan or Grantsville office today.


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